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ARRO |Dark Red Branch Clip-on Earring

Color: Dark Red


4cm X 6.5cmH

精緻刺繡飾品品牌 ARRO,設計師渡邊小姐以「架空の国の装身具をテーマに」「異世界裡的配飾」為主題,把自己喜歡的世界觀,藉由飾品來分享給全世界的人。


渡邊在畢業之後擔任一家知名品牌的服裝設計師,就在那時產生對刺繡與布產生了濃厚的興趣。加上在旅行時,渡邊小姐很喜歡看當地民族的傳統服飾。因此ARRO 的商品特別重視「顏色」。


渡邊小姐分享說她的靈感有時候源自於海洋世界的魚,或是鮮豔的熱帶地區鮮豔的植物。ARRO 的商品通常一個系列會有五種顏色,她會細心對比色票和圖像的相襯程度,然後首飾的部件會由日本國內的工廠進行機械刺繡,之後渡邊小姐進行自家手工作業將它們編織在一起,打造一種較強的立體效果。






ARRO was started from the experience of being attracted by the resonance of embroidery and clothes when the designer was working in the apparel industry.


“Accessories of the fictional country” as the theme, ethnic view of the world is created with the design made from the modern interpretations of the textiles from around the world, and with the machine embroidery.


Rich colors and unique forms which are the best charm points do not really exist, but designer freely expresses what exists in the designer’s imaginary paradise. The pieces are inspired by textile designs from all over the world, including South America, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe...expressed through modern interpretations and Japanese technology.


The embroidery is done at a domestic Japanese factory, and the finished parts are assembled by hand to create embroidered accessories with a feeling of depth. The products' charm lies in their colorful designs, which are remade over and over until they look right. The aim is to create a truly unique product that no one else can imitate.


The brand name “ARRO” came from word ARROW,which expresses our idea that the simple wearing of an accessory draws one's gaze just like an arrow.

