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Calm Skin Chamomile Moisturizer 甘菊舒緩補濕面霜 60ml
具鎮靜功效的洋⽢菊、⼭⾦⾞和迷迭香配合含有舒緩作⽤的乳⽊果和⾦盞花油 和滋潤受刺激的敏感⽪膚,改善發紅症狀。
客裝: 2 oz / 60 ml
在已潔淨的臉和頸塗上薄薄⼀層⾯霜。不需要沖洗。可混入幾滴⽔將之稀釋,使 薄⾝的效果。如需要加倍滋潤,可在較乾位置塗上較厚的⾯霜。
● ⽢菊:活膚,肌膚再⽣;鎮靜和平衡⽪膚
● ⾦盞花油:抗氧化劑,濃縮抗菌劑;消毒,癒合和滋養肌膚,有舒緩的特性 ● 乳⽊果:補濕,含豐富的三酸⽢油酯和脂肪酸,是最優質的潤膚乳,具活膚和
● 太陽花油:保護作⽤;富含維他命A、D和E
● 葡萄葉精華:抗氧化劑,富含多酚對抗⾃由基和保護⽪膚;更新肌膚不刺激⽪
● 蘆薈汁:治療,保濕;鎮靜發炎的⽪膚,減輕紫外線輻射,補濕和柔軟⽪膚
● 專利⽣化複合™配⽅:抗氧化强化劑,蘊含維⽣素A,酯化類維⽣素C、E,輔 及硫辛酸,混合多種重要及均衡的抗氧化劑,有效對抗⾃由基及改善皺紋和膚質 我們忠於: 我們拒絕: 有機 化學防腐 天然 鄰苯⼆甲酸酯 ⽣物動態 ⼗⼆烷基硫酸鈉 可持續性 丙⼆醇 非殘忍 動物測試 我們天然、有機和⽣物動態成份每批次的收成均有可能出現輕微差異
● 減少發紅的現象 ● 鎮靜過敏和炎症 ● 膚⾊均勻和滋潤 ● ⽪膚柔軟和濕潤 配合整套VitaSkin™敏感系列使⽤,令效果更明顯 源美肌不斷改良我們產品的配⽅以達到最佳效果
Soothe irritation and hydrate sensitive skin with calming chamomile and arnica. Combine those elements with shea butter and calendula oil, and this moisturizer will help relieve the appearance of redness.
Retail Size: 2 oz / 60 ml
Honorable Mention of ASCP Readers' Choice Awards: Favorite Sensitive Skin Line, ASCP Skin Deep, 2019
Winner of Best Vegan Face Moisturizer, Madamenoire's Melanin Awards, 2019
Winner of Best Organic Facial, Harper's Bazaar Malaysia Spa Awards, 2017
Apply a layer of moisturizer over the entire face and neck area. Leave on. For a lighter application, emulsify a small amount of moisturizer in your hand with a few drops of water. For extra hydration, apply a thicker layer on dry areas.
Key Ingredients
- Chamomile: revitalizes, calms, and balances the appearance of skin
- Calendula Oil: antioxidant, essential oil
- Shea Butter: moisturizer high in triglycerides and fatty acids; excellent emollient for skin; replenishes the skin moisture barrier
- Sunflower Oil: protective; rich in vitamins A, D, and E
- Grape Leaf Extract: antioxidant; rich in polyphenols
- Aloe Vera Juice: soothing and refreshing
- BioComplex: a booster of antioxidants, Coenzyme Q10, and Alpha Lipoic Acid to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve the appearance of skin
We Believe in: We say NO to:
Organic Parabens
Natural Phthalates
Biodynamic® Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
Sustainable Propylene Glycol
Cruelty Free Animal Testing
Our natural, organic and Biodynamic® ingredients may have slight variations from harvest to harvest.
- The appearance of redness is reduced
- Skin appears calmed
- Complexion appears toned and enriched
- Skin is left soft and hydrated
Results are enhanced when using entire Calm Skin VitaSkin™ Solution. Eminence is constantly innovating our product formulations to deliver the best results.