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A set of Blanc de Lait White Bouffant Dress and Bleuet Ribbon Vest
Set of White Bouffant dress and Bleuet Ribbon Vest
A set of Blanc de Lait White Bouffant Dress and Bleuet Ribbon Vest
Pre-order price is HKD 1440
-only with offline payment
-within promotional period only
Parcel will be ready in late SEPT approximately
Please make sure that you have read and understood the Terms before placing the order.
Please read the size carefully because every product is made-to-order.
預購貨品在九月下旬發貨, 如果該布料缺貨,我們會在你下單後的8天內通知並進行退款的
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Blanc de Lait White Bouffant Dress
✿length :112 cm
✿Bust: 86cm
✿Waist : 68cm
✿length :115 cm
✿Bust: 92cm
✿waist :74 cm
✿length :120 cm
✿Bust: 98cm
✿waist : 79cm
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Bleuet Ribbon Vest
Free size
✿length : 53cm
✿Bust: Free size
✿ Waist: Free size
All dimensions are measured manually with deviation (ranged) at 1-3cmmm.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Material of the dress: 80% Terylene 20% Polyamide
Material of the vest: Cotton 85%Tencil 15 % , 100% Polyester fibre
Washing instruction : Hand wash using cold water, and air dry your fine cottons.
Machine wash on low temperatures in lukewarm or cold, and preferably soft, water. Use the gentle machine cycle and a mild detergent to protect the fibres.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Honest Comment:
Blanc de Lait White Bouffant Dress
Bouffant dress的幼吊帶和平胸線設計可以修飾肩膊,胸部省道的設計則可以令上身比較單薄,而裙子的裙擺設計是呈弧形的,裙子奏摺也比較密增加層次和飄逸感。側邊拉鍊設計方便穿着,兩邊有口袋增加實用性。
白色的bouffant dress是三種顏色之中最為厚身的布料,雖然質感相同,但是為了防止透光,所以白色的這一款是比其餘兩款藍色和黑色的沒有來得那麼單薄,但是會比其餘兩款更加挺身,配搭Alva white sheer dress 是非常適合拍攝輕婚紗照片,日常上街也可以單穿或者配搭Bleuet ribbon vest。
Bleuet Ribbon Vest
這一款Ribbon vest 是本人非常推薦的產品,因為背心設計是均碼的,大家可以自行調節兩側綁帶的長度從而配合自己不同的身形,和衣服的貼身程度,而且版型設計容易配襯不同類型的衣服,可以在背心下穿上多一件打底背心,或者直接穿一件吊帶連身裙,甚至乎中袖、長袖或者冬天時樽領的衣服也適合。另外配襯tube top 或者其他內衣,Ribbon vest也是可以單穿的,這個穿法就會散發小性感的氛圍,兩側會因應綁帶的鬆緊度令腰部線條若隱若現,適合出席沙灘或者出海的活動,下身如果配襯牛仔褲的話就會增添知性感覺。
呢個係我係呢個系列最鍾意嘅設計,因為佢非常易襯,而且我覺得都係四季適宜的產品,夏天時就咁着或者係入面着背心,冬天時入面加件高嶺毛衣再加呢件背心就有啲特色。而且佢係均碼包容不同人的身形,吃自助餐時也不會比其他人見到凸起的胃腩,哈哈, 而且並不緊身。