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Facial Recovery Oil 面部修護油 15ml



全素 無麩質 無堅果 無⼤⾖

蘊含珍貴草本和滋養的補濕精油,有助舒緩及更新敏感和衰老肌膚。這個極致⾯ 適個任何⽪膚性質。 成份源⾃Demeter國際⽣物動態認證農場

客裝: 0.5 oz / 15 ml

★ 最喜愛⾯部精油獎, Sarah Afshar's Best in Beauty, Beauty Examiner, 2015

★ 最佳⾯部修護油獎, Product Awards, Spa Professional Mexico, 2015

★ 最佳抗衰老精油獎, Earth Day Beauty Awards, Healing Lifestyles & Spas, 201

★ 最佳綠⾊產品獎, LNE's Best, Les Nouvelles Esthétiques & Spa, 2013


在已潔淨的⾯和頸上以打圈動作塗上薄薄的⼀層油(2-3滴),不⽤抹掉,接著 ⾯霜。每天使⽤1-2次


● 快樂鼠尾草油:鎮靜及平衡油脂分泌 ● 橄欖油:鎮靜及舒緩,深層滋潤肌膚 ● 鼠尾草精草:抗氧化劑,令肌膚看起來更年輕和均勻 ● 依蘭依蘭:具潔淨功效,舒緩及平衡 我們忠於: 我們拒絕: 有機 化學防腐 天然 鄰苯⼆甲酸酯 ⽣物動態 ⼗⼆烷基硫酸鈉 可持續性 丙⼆醇 非殘忍 動物測試 我們天然、有機和⽣物動態成份每批次的收成均有可能出現輕微差異

● ⽪膚得到深層滋養和補濕 ● ⽪膚看起來更嫩滑和柔軟 ● 促進表⽪層更新,肌膚得到修復 ● 膚質顯得更均勻 源美肌不斷改良我們產品的配⽅以達到最佳效果



Toning and hydrating oil created with precious herbs and nourishing oils to soothe and renew sensitive and aging skin. This is a luxurious facial oil suitable for all skin types.

Made with Biodynamic® ingredients from Demeter International Certified Biodynamic® farms. 

Retail Size: 0.5 oz / 15 ml

Winner of Favorite Face Oil, Sarah Afshar's Best in Beauty, Beauty Examiner, 2015

Winner of Best Face Treatment Oil, Product Awards, Spa Professional Mexico, 2015

Winner in the Anti-Aging Oil Category, Earth Day Beauty Awards, Healing Lifestyles & Spas, 2014

Winner of Best Green Product, LNE's Best, Les Nouvelles Esthétiques & Spa, 201

Add 2-3 drops to face and neck with circular motions working your way from the center to the sides of the face.

Key Ingredients

  • Clary Sage Oil: calming; balances oil production
  • Olive Oil: calms and soothes the look of skin while deeply hydrating the skin
  • Sage Leaf Extract: antioxidant; rejuvenates and tones the look of skin
  • Ylang Ylang: cleanser; calming and balancing

We Believe in:        We say NO to:
 Organic                 Parabens            
 Natural                  Phthalates
 Biodynamic®         Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
 Sustainable            Propylene Glycol
 Cruelty Free           Animal Testing

Our natural, organic and Biodynamic® ingredients may have slight variations from harvest to harvest.

  • Skin appears deeply nourished and hydrated
  • Skin appears smoother and softer
  • Epidermis appears regenerated, healing is augmented
  • Complexion appears even 

Eminence is constantly innovating our product formulations to deliver the best results. 

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